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20.12.-22.12. 3 Life Broadcasts mit Drunvalo

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20.12.-22.12. 3 Life Broadcasts mit Drunvalo Empty Re: 20.12.-22.12. 3 Life Broadcasts mit Drunvalo

Beitrag von illa Mo 14 Jan 2013 - 18:52


falls ihr das noch nicht gesehen/gelesen haben solltet !I love you

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20.12.-22.12. 3 Life Broadcasts mit Drunvalo Empty Re: 20.12.-22.12. 3 Life Broadcasts mit Drunvalo

Beitrag von illa Mo 14 Jan 2013 - 18:46

Hallo alle Very Happy

lg illa

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20.12.-22.12. 3 Life Broadcasts mit Drunvalo Empty Re: 20.12.-22.12. 3 Life Broadcasts mit Drunvalo

Beitrag von illa Fr 14 Dez 2012 - 17:20

Hallo Daniella :danke!

und Hi @all

hier Drunvalos Kurzinfo per Video I love you


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20.12.-22.12. 3 Life Broadcasts mit Drunvalo Empty 20.12.-22.12. 3 Life Broadcasts mit Drunvalo

Beitrag von Daniella Fr 14 Dez 2012 - 9:40

Hi Folks!
Habe keine Zeit zu übersetzen, macht Euch bitte selbst schlau!
Dies steht auch auf der Webseite.


Here we are! We have made it to the time of the changing of the guard. The male consciousness, who has protected us for the last 13,000 years, comes to completion and the new guard, the female consciousness, prepares for her regal assent onto the world stage. She will lead us into a new balance an d a new way for humanity to express its' love for each other. What an honor to be alive at this moment!

During this transitional time, Drunvalo Melchizedeck and One Lotus Studios will share this experience with you by broadcasting a three-day series. This series is dedicated to answering your deepest questions, guiding you in meditation into your sacred heart - to sense and feel this magnificent heavenly union of the Earth, the Sun and the Center of the Galaxy. Drunvalo will accompanying you as you feel this new cycle of F eminine Consciousness as it emerges upon our beloved Earth.

If you feel it in your heart to be with us on December 20, 21, and 22, we will be honored to assist you in remembering your intimate connection to the Source of Life during this remarkable transition.

Please go to http://drunvalo.net/upcoming1.php for more information.

This is free for the world and good for your soul.
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